The Cauldron Times- Navigating Eclipses & Transitions

It’s Eclipse Season again, which is what I lovingly call a collective ‘Cauldron Time’, which is a time of transformation that impacts us deeply and can alter the course of our lives.

Spanning from the Spring Equinox until about the end of April 2024, we are in one of these times. We had a Lunar Eclipse on March 25th, we have a Solar Eclipse on April 8th and we also have Mercury retrograding from April 1st-24th. This period emphasizes the need for flexibility and inner reflection as things shift and change to bring us onto a path more aligned with who we truly are.

The Cauldron is a symbol prominent in Celtic Myth that represents transformation and rebirth. I think of ‘Cauldron Times’ as those times in life where we are neither ‘here’ anymore, nor ‘there’ yet. We are stewing and brewing in the Great Mother’s cauldron, surrendering to her plan for us, as she seeks to helps us grow into our full potential.

We can think of a Cauldron Time as a spiritual gateway, a metaphorical cocoon, a mysterious twilight, a period of being betwixt and between while we await a transformation to complete.

Cauldron times can range from uncomfortable to very challenging or even traumatic. Some examples of natural transitions I would consider to be Cauldron Times are puberty, pregnancy, becoming a parent, midlife, perimenopause/menopause, illness/healing and dying. Other common ones are marriage & divorce, moving, ending/starting a career path, business or relationship. There are many more.

Cauldron Times are anytime we are no longer who we once were and not yet who we will be. This is, in a way, the human condition itself, as we are always evolving and changing! But the Cauldron Times are characterized by a more intense period of struggle with our sense of self, identity, and feel a clear ‘before’ and ‘after’ version of who we are and our life path.

Often after a Cauldron Time we find there is no going back to who we once were. They commit us to a new level in our evolution and growth.

The Cauldron Time transforms us thoroughly enough to mark us. Sometimes we may not even be aware of how deeply an experience etched itself on our souls until many years later. Sometimes what seemed like a regular job, or relationship at the beginning turned out to be life changing, altering our sense of self or path forever.

A Cauldron Time can last days, weeks, months or years, depending on what type it is. It may begin and end abruptly, or be much more gradual.


Many Cauldron Time experiences leave us with little to no control. Things are breaking down, dissolving or falling away in order to make way for something new. This is often painful. In most cases we must surrender and accept the change taking place and find ways to cope and evolve through it. There may be adjustments to make, new things to learn, and inner healing required to move through it. Denying or resisting this kind of change or controlling its trajectory is often futile. 

We are conditioned in school to believe that if you have good intentions and work really hard, you can achieve your goals. That if you behave and follow the rules, you’ll receive rewards. That you control your destiny. That life moves in a straight line of logical decisions and accomplishments.

But as we grow up, we find out the real world isn’t like that. Bad things happen to good people. There are folks who treat their bodies terribly who live into their 90s and young healthy athletes who die of cancer. There are kind loving couples who struggle to have a child, and abusive people who have lots of children. A global pandemic can hit anytime. You can lose everything through no fault of your own. Life isn’t fair or logical. It can be painful, nonsensical, chaotic. We are most definitely not always in the driver’s seat.

Fate can swoop in when it feels like it to wash away all your efforts. It can come out of left field and drop you on a completely different course. Oftentimes these changes teach us important lessons. Maturity comes with an awareness and respect for the larger forces at work in the universe beyond our individual human self. It comes with humility and learning how to accept, adapt, and do our best with the cards we’re given. It doesn’t mean we give up on life completely, or let go of personal responsibility. But acknowledging that devastating loss, hardship, betrayal and pain is an essential part of our evolution can help us accept, learn, and become more empathetic people.

To me, surrender is the art of learning the limits of our manifesting ability and trusting the divine to bring us where we need to be, to learn the lessons and have the experiences our soul needs.

Sometimes we need to trust divine timing and the flow of life. This is one of the biggest lessons of a Cauldron Time. In letting go of our usual habits, expectations and assumed reality, we can grow into a more expansive, strong, wise, compassionate version of ourselves.


Eclipses are times where the hands of fate often move us off one course and onto another. It is believed that they bring us back onto our path if we’ve strayed. It depends, of course on how the eclipse hits our unique astrological chart. Some will affect us greatly, and others we may barely notice. Not every eclipse will feel like a Cauldron Time for us, but it may for someone else.

Eclipses often conceal the fullness of a situation but also reveal something we were unaware of.  Previously concealed information, news and proclamations from others may come out of the blue. While new information may come to light, the full situation may not yet be fully clear, so it can be good to move cautiously rather than react impulsively.

Eclipses are super-charged full and new moons. Emotions are high, and everyone feels a bit more on edge. Our sense of time may alter as well, as it can feel like more time has passed than actually has, because things change more intensely in a short period.

Emotional triggers often happen around eclipses, which can reveal to us how we really feel about something or someone, or how someone really feels about us. This may change our relationship with the person permanently, for better or worse. Eclipses are very much about shadow work. They reveal what’s been in shadow and what is beneath the surface. They ask that we deal with these truths.

Eclipses help enhance our self-awareness and align us with our true self and support our growth and evolution. There is no predicting exactly how we will experience an Eclipse. But it is said that whatever transpires during an eclipse was meant to be, and it is putting us on path. It is also considered a time where we don’t need to make things happen, because life is trying to get us to flow in a particular direction, so the more flexible we are, the better.

During this time of transition, having some guidance can help.

I believe we are meant to trust our wisest selves, and not just blindly listen to the advice of others. So, keep in mind, while I will offer some advice based on my own experience, please just do you, experiment and follow what you feel works for you!

Here’s my little advice list for dealing with Eclipses:

  • Remember that some eclipses will affect you more deeply, and others may feel mild. It may not really be a Cauldron Time for you, but it may be for someone you know. You can be empathetic and supportive to them in that case. Also, the collective will likely be impacted, and so we are too, as we are all connected.

  • Leave space in your schedule for the unexpected and for processing your feelings. If you overschedule yourself, you may get stressed out, reactive or say things you regret later, because emotions tend to run high. You may also find things just don’t pan out how you hoped. Take it as an invitation to slow down, do a bit less and draw your attention inward.

  • It’s not the best time to schedule important gatherings, social events, or project launches you want to go smoothly. Eclipse energy can be chaotic, unpredictable or have unintended consequences. A launch or gathering is easier to handle once eclipse season is over, when the energies are more stable. Permission to stay home and be a hermit! However, if you do have something planned you cannot change or you feel strongly about the timing, it may be an experience you need, or part of your growth journey. It also really depends on the type of gathering, and the eclipse energies. As a highly sensitive introvert, I usually avoid large gatherings at this time (and most of the time, lol).

  • Stay grounded yet flexible. Eclipses have a way of uprooting us or making us feel a bit nervous or edgy. Keep your daily routines- regular mealtimes, meditation, exercise, spiritual practice, etc. going at a steady rhythm to keep your grounded and centered. Along with this, just be open to new ways of seeing and doing things. Be like a Willow tree- rooted yet soft.
  • Take a break from manifesting. Often folks wonder if they should do manifestation spells and rituals under an eclipse. I personally don’t because I find the energy is too intense and chaotic. Things are breaking down and shifting. The soil is being cleared and turned. The weather is stormy. If you plant seeds, they may take if you’re lucky, but why not wait until conditions are favorable? I apply this for both the solar and lunar eclipse, and the whole eclipse season. I don’t charge my crystals under them for the same reason. But I do continue with work I’ve already begun and I brainstorm new things as well. Again, feel free to experiment for yourself.

  • It’s a great time for grounding and processing rituals, such as journaling, reflection, a craft, yoga, movement, nature walks, Tarot, anything that helps you be present with yourself and how you feel, and anything that encourages self-awareness or healing is wonderful. It’s also ok to do nothing in particular and just go with the flow!

  • It is a great time to get support- from a healer, therapist, or a friend to help you navigate your feelings and thoughts. You don’t have to completely hole up and avoid life during eclipses. Healing, support and care are available. I do tend to be a Hermit during Eclipse season, with the exception of my work and things that serve my wellbeing.

Any of the above list can apply to another Cauldron Time you may be experiencing. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with the process. It’s ok to be a work in progress. It’s ok to be neither here nor there, betwixt and between!

Being in Transition is Counter-Cultural

I think one of the hardest things about being in a state of transition or change is that it is frowned upon by our dominant culture. Our mechanized world loves clear definition, boxes and hitting goals.

What if our goals change? What if we aren’t who we thought we were? What if we have a goal, but it’s a winding road there, and the messy, ugly in-between part lasts a long time?

You are allowed to be a mess. For life to be a mess. To not know the next step. To feel confused, overwhelmed or tired. You’re allowed to neither be here nor there. We’re all a work in progress. Letting go of our need to have it all figured out and fit into a neat box is the first step.

Trust that in time, things will come together, how and when they are meant to. I fully believe in Divine Timing. While it can be challenging, I am learning the importance of surrender in making transitions empowering, healing experiences rather than scary ones.

Aries Energy

Mercury goes retrograde on April 1st in fire sign Aries, adding even more emphasis on our need for flexibility and self-awareness. Our ‘spring forward’ momentum may feel slowed down. On April 8th, we have the Solar Eclipse in Aries.

Aries energy helps us to home in on what our most authentic desires are. The next few weeks can help us identify the ways in which we want to nurture our personal needs, passions and independence, trailblaze or start something new. It can also help us find ways to live more in alignment with our inner flame. It may help us heal some wounds around who we truly are, help us shed fears and live more bravely and authentically.

We may feel frustrated at times, since linear progress may not happen how we want or as fast as we want this month, as Aries loves to push forward. But we are making progress here. As we re-align with who we truly are and what we truly want, we make progress. As we re-kindle our inner flame of passion and energy, we make progress. As we release the insecurities, masks and heavy expectations we no longer need, we make progress! Inner work is the foundation of making our dreams happen in the physical world.

The Eclipses and Mercury retrograde come to make sure we are moving forward in the right direction instead of the wrong one. There is method to the universe’s madness!

Here are some reflection questions you can work with over the next few weeks. Feel free to apply them to a specific situation you are struggling with.

  •  What do I feel ‘done’ with?
  • What is no longer working for me?
  • Where could I afford to be a bit more honest? A bit more vulnerable? A bit braver?
  • What persistent desire keeps bubbling up to be felt, no matter how often I try to push it down?
  • What lights me up inside?
  • What habits or actions do I do regularly that drain my energy?
  • What habits or actions help to fuel my energy?
  • What parts of myself do I feel insecure about?
  • What parts of myself am I proud of?
  • What part of myself do I feel needs more space to exist and express itself in my life?
  • What part of myself or desire have I been neglecting or pushing away?

I hope this was a bit of a helpful guiding light for your path as we navigate the transitions of April, and beyond. Note that you can apply much of this to any transitional time you are navigating, like a big life change, whether it is short term or long term.

If you’d like some support and guidance for your journey at this time, I offer Tarot Readings to shed light on your situation and bring balance to your mind, body and spirit! I also offer 1 on 1 Reclaim Your Magick Sessions to help resource you for stressful times.



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